Experience, insight & knowledge
We use our insight, acquired from many years of commercial experience to shine a spotlight on your challenges and opportunities. With you we identify your development needs and design tailored support to address these and ensure your enduring commercial success.
Leadership Development
The biggest step for each individual is to find the confidence to fully acknowledge and unlock their own potential.
At Core, we start this process with an open and honest conversation – often challenging, sometimes even uncomfortable and disruptive. By identifying and dealing with any psychological obstacles that are in the way, we enable individuals, teams, and organisations to change mindset and adopt new behaviours that transform performance.

Team Coaching
Successful teams thrive on co-operation and openness. We help you to remove the barriers that prevent your team delivering its maximum potential.
Executive Coaching
Business success depends on nurturing and developing your people. We focus on your executives’ effectiveness and impact on the overall performance of your organisation.
We collaborate with you to create a customised plan of action that delivers success at individual, team and organisational levels.
Leadership Support
Once a programme is in place, we are as committed as you are to achieving success. Our expert coaches remain available for you to consult.
Organisational Development
For any organisation to succeed, it needs to understand what constitutes success. We help to identify clear, measurable goals, then work with you to create strategies that deliver them.
Our workshops provide a safe environment for your people to speak freely, where they can identify issues that need to be resolved and examine how their behaviours and team interactions could be improved. The resultant changes are measured by agreed, objective criteria to determine their success.

Master Classes
We bring the benefits of our collective wisdom, acquired over many years in the commercial and public sectors, to bring new strategies, tools and capabilities to your organisation.
Organisational Design
Organisations are adaptive complex systems built around relationships both internally and externally. Our expertise can help you design structures that will facilitate optimal results.
Employee Engagement
Successful organisations have committed people. Our programmes achieve substantial, measurable improvements in employee engagement.
We can bring you a clear competitive advantage by designing a strategy for talent development and succession planning, so creating a strong sustainable legacy.